Holy Family Catholic School
Mrs. Sara Hooley, HFS Pricipal
1113 Broadway St., Hannibal MO 63401
School Office: (573) 221-0456
School Fax: (573) 221-6357
About Our School
Holy Family Catholic School strives to nurture the spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth of each student; helping them develop a global perspective of the world so they will become productive Christian citizens.
History of Catholic Schools of Hannibal, Missouri
The first Catholic Grade School opened in Hannibal, Missouri in 1865. A short time later, in 1871, St. Joseph Academy, a girl’s high school was in operation. Two parishes were in existence in Hannibal, both having a Catholic elementary school. One of the parish schools was Blessed Sacrament located at 2100 Broadway. The other was St. Mary-Immaculate Conception School, located in the same building with the newly built (1925) McCooey High School, at 1113 Broadway. Blessed Sacrament parish and school merged with St. Mary parish and school to form the present parish and school known as Holy Family.
McCooey High School was closed in 1965. That building became the sole elementary school building for grades Kindergarten through Eight. In 1986, the Holy Family School Board voted to discontinue the Junior High (7th and 8th grades), and began a prekindergarten through grade six education system.
After many attempts to thoroughly study the feasibility of reinstating the 7th and 8th grades, the 1994-95 School Board voted to open Holy Family School to seventh graders in August 1995 and to eighth graders in August of 1996.
There are approximately 104 families with children in grades pre-kindergarten through 8th grade with a total enrollment of approximately 150 students. Holy Family parishioners have indicated a great appreciation of Catholic education and they value their Christian heritage.
Holy Family School meets the standards that are required by the Diocese of Jefferson City. Each standard builds and reflects the school’s educational mission and philosophy. Holy Family School personnel plan for a future based on pursuit of academic excellence and Faith development that enhances and enriches the spiritual dimension of each student and faculty member of Holy Family of Hannibal.
With positive parental involvement and continued financial support and encouragement from the pastor, school staff and other members of the parish, the people of Holy Family Parish look forward to meeting our goals and expectations now and through years to come.
Holy Family Catholic School strives to nurture the spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth of each student; helping them develop a global perspective of the world so they will become productive Christian citizens.
Holy Family School embraces the call of the General Directory of Catechesis, that “Parents are the primary educators in the faith.” Together, we pass on the Catholic faith to the next generation and create a spiritual atmosphere in which we strengthen our relationship with Jesus and others. We strive to create a safe, stimulating and caring environment in which each student can develop to the best of their God-given ability.
Holy Family provides a faith-filled, God-centered school where the values lived by Jesus are taught, supported and practiced by a dedicated school community consisting of administration, faculty, staff, volunteers, parents/guardians, and students. Together, we strive to meet the specific needs of each student.
The students of Holy Family School receive a quality education in basic knowledge, Christian attitudes and values, emphasizing the development of life skills such as leadership, responsibility, self-discipline, organization, problem solving, work and accountability. Learning relates to the life experiences and environments of the students. It reflects an awareness and appreciation of the cultural and religious diversity found in our local community, nation and world.
5 Myths
about Holy Family School
While we're proudly Catholic, Holy Family welcomes students of all faiths. Approximately 30% of our students are non-Catholics. All students take an active role in stewardship, prayer, hospitality, service and faith.
Holy Family is a tithing parish. As a member of Holy Family, the tithe is a voluntary contribution of one's income. Non-Catholics will pay LESS than $270 per month on a 12-month payment plan. All families are asked to not only give monetarily, but to also give their time and their talents. Uniforms are also helpful for family budgets.
Yes, Holy Family is challenging, but for 155 years we have brought out the best in our students. HOly Family partners with Hannibal Public schools in the areas of Special Services, Gifted Education, Arts, Music, and Athletics. It is with the help and support of our teachers, staff, and volunteers that students get the support they need to be successful.
True, there is no bus system, however, there are many carpool options. We currently collaborate transportation with the YMCA, Wee Care, The Children's Center, and Grow & Learn. There are many parents who organize their own carpool groups and can help when needed.
The students may look the same walking in the hallways dressed in their uniforms, however, the students at Holy Family are very diverse. Holy Family has students from various socio-economic backgrounds, cultural backgrounds, and academic backgrounds.
Did you know that we offer Free & Reduced lunches and Title 1 Reading and Math services? All students are welcome at Holy Family, and we strive to educate each one of them to their academic excellence.