School Families

We believe that parents are vital in the success of their children and school. Parents play a key role in guiding their child’s academic, spiritual and social development.  All parents are encouraged to take part in volunteering opportunities when available. 

Useful Links for Parents

Our Diocese uses the VIRTUS training programs to ensure a safe environment that protects our children. All parents are required to participate in this training. Click here for a letter from Dr. Erin Vader, Superintendent of Schools.

Our Diocese utilizes FACTS School Information System for our academic management. Click the above link to access the Parent Portal. If you are having trouble logging in, please contact the school office.

Holy Family uses OSV for online tithing and tuition payments.

Click above to see the supply lists. School Supply Kits can be purchased here. 

Forms & Policies

Families must sign and return the final page of the Handbook.

Policy will be updated accordingly. 

This policy outlines Holy Family’s approach to ensuring environments and opportunities for all students to practice healthy eating and physical activity behaviors throughout the school day.